13 March 2013

Abdullah II's Motto

Sergeant Lawley was a philosopher in a soldier’s sort of way.  He and I were sitting slightly apart from the others.

He said, “Mr. Abdullah, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”  He paused for effect.  “You are always going to be in the shit.  It’s just the depth that’s going to vary.”

I adopted that as my motto, and to this day still think of his words whenever I am facing a tough situation.

Abdullah II of Jordan
Our Last Best Chance
The Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril

09 March 2013

Ye May Know Each Other

The Holy Quran says:

God Almighty said: “Mankind!  We created you from a pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that ye may know each other.”

Al Hujurat: 13

Optimism is Even More Precious than Water

And yet, in my region, where optimism is more precious than water, we cannot afford to give up hope.

Abdullah II of Jordan
Our Last Best Chance