23 September 2017

Prayer Always Helps

“I have found prayer always helps; provided I am honest with God for help in the right way – not to get out of the mess I don’t like, but to be given help and strength to go through with it.  My greatest insights about myself have come when I have prayed. I have been impressed by the immense patience God seems to show.  I may desert Him for years, but whenever I turn back, He always seems to be there, waiting.  I think prayer is a question of leaving oneself open to any answer that may come – very often unexpected and not what one wanted, and yet it always leaves me with awe, reverence and gladness that I have made the effort.  This seems to be a point: we have to make the initial effort.  We are then met more than half way, but He never intrudes on us.  He waits for us to approach Him.”

Alister Hardy (1896-1985)
Page 77 from The Spiritual Nature of Man

05 September 2017


“God is not known, he is not understood, he is used.”

 James H. Leuba