11 December 2009


Negativity is what

holds up the

advancement of


Red Cloud

Friday, 11th December 2009

06 December 2009

Ellen's Prayer from Surrey in England

But Jesus called them unto him, and said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein."

Jenny and Michael are privileged to have received the above from a young lady called Ellen who lives in Surrey. She wrote this beautiful message which says it all and we who are grown up have much to learn from the innocent minds of children, who see many things far more clearly than we adults can.

God bless you Ellen and thank you.

04 November 2009


Sir Donald Francis Tovey channelled these words through Rosemary Brown and they are taken from her fascinating book Immortals at my Elbows.


"Genius is the most effective channel for the Creative Source."


Given from the Spirit Realms, he surely realises that nothing short of genius is sufficiently effective to bring 'God's' message down to this earth plane of existence.


23 September 2009

We Must All Stand by Our Convictions


Hold your ground!  Hold your ground!


Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers!


I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.


A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.


An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day!


This day we fight!


By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!




The words of Aragorn in the Return of the King from 

The Lord of the Rings before the final battle



Recently Jenny and Michael were reminded of these words and we know that we are all going to be asked to stand together soon  in the face of things that we won't like, but in order to endure them we shall all have to stand together – we must be ready and we must be strong together.



18 September 2009

Really Knowing through Experience

I have to thank Andrew Parker for bringing this quotation to my attention in his book In the Blink of an Eye where he explains how vision kick-started the big-bang of evolution.
Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced - John Keats
This quotation I know especially applies to spiritual matters, because it is those who are sceptical and/or ignorant of Spirit who are unable to experience the true love and excitement of the Spirit Realms, which are all around us - all day every day.

From The Secret History of the World


            "Come to the edge," he said.

            They said, "We are afraid."

            "Come to the edge," he said.

            They came. He pushed them.

            They flew.


22 July 2009

The Power of Prayer

From You Own the Power by Rosemary Altea

“Life is fragile. Handle it with Prayer."

07 July 2009

Universal Guidance

In Stephen Covey’s book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People he says:

“Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic.”

06 July 2009

Grey Eagle Answers

"GREY EAGLE – how best can we deal with life’s crises?"

“So many of you here on the earth plane walk through your lives in darkness. You turn to the light briefly, in times of need, then turn away.
“When you turn from the light, you turn away from God…and, inevitably, you turn inward, and you become closed…and you hold your pain to you…and, then, the seed of the soul cannot grow, for it needs light to grow.
“Turn your face to the light, for in that light you will find warmth…you will find healing…and you will find love.
“Accept that all things given are a gift to you, and part of your learning process.
“Take your courage in your hands, and step into the light.
“Turn your face to the sun, and allow God’s light to shine down upon you.
“For you are children of God, and, as children, if you reach out your hand, God will take it, and He will hold it firm, and He will steer you to a greater understanding of your own self…and He will give you His strength.
“He will not stem the flow of tears, nor will he wash away your pain…but he will take you to his breast and comfort you.
“Come, sit by my fire.
“Hold out your hands to the flame and be comforted by the warmth of it.
“But understand that there are many who keep this fire going.
“My fire needs kindling.
“My fire needs those who labour…who will go out and collect kindling to place on the fire.
“The fire is there for all, and there are many who will come and sit by the fire. They will warm themselves…they will feel comforted…and then they will turn away to continue their lives.
“There are those of you who will come and sit by my fire, and you will marvel at the height of the flames, and be grateful for the warmth that the fire gives out.
“And when you will be comforted, you will turn away and continue with your lives.
“And, then, there are those of you will come and sit by my fire and you will see how tall the flames grow…and you gain comfort from the warmth of the flames. And when you have been comforted enough, there are those of you who will then recognise that if the fire is to continue burning, in order that many should be comforted, then there is work to be done, and kindling to be found.
“Come, all of you, and sit by my fire.
“We demand nothing from you.
“We ask that you give nothing…except only if you want to do so.
“Come, sit by my fire, and listen to the wise words.
“Listen to the crackle of the sticks as the heat of the flame burns through them.
“Watch the sparks fly…each spark is a light…each spark is truth…each spark is a knowing.
“Come, sit by my fire, and I will warm you…”

The Eagle and the Rose by Rosemary Altea 1995

30 June 2009

From Gloucestershire

Once in a lifetime you find someone who touches not only your heart, but also your soul.

Once in a lifetime you discover someone who stands beside you, not over you.

You find someone who loves you for who you are, and not for who you could be.

Once in a lifetime, you find someone as you have found each other.

Jenny has been asked to read this at a West Country wedding in the coming springtime and we both wish them well as they join their spiritual lives together and cement the love that they already have found.

May God's great love give them a beautiful day and a joyous liftime together.


Out of the mundane God sometimes shows himself by igniting within the hearts of two people a flame that burns in purity and we call it love.

Those who he chooses to unite as one in His name are doubly blessed, but they need to understand that ‘God’ gives in love, which must never be abused.

By uniting and adhering to this sacred union, we are placed together in God’s love, which is sacred and never ending.

So we must do the same and not by just jointing this man and this woman together, but to join them both with God, so that the strength and harmony and peace may continue always throughout this marriage.

Let their spirits soar together and let them find the joy in their hearts, which can only come from the Spirit as it is God’s gift to both of you at this happy, happy time.

Given to Michael Ayers from the Spirit Realms on Tuesday, 30th June 2009 for Clare and John on the announcement of the wedding plans.

07 April 2009

From Eastbourne in East Sussex


With our eyes
we see the beauty of Easter
With our ears
we hear the sounds of spring
With our hands
we pick the fragrant flowers
But only with our hearts
do we feel the wonder of the season
Helen Steiner Rice

02 April 2009

From CORINTHIANS 13 vs4-7


Love is patient,
Love is kind,
It does not envy,
It does not boast,
It is not proud.
It is not rude,
It is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no records of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
But rejoices in the truth.
It always protects,
Always trusts,
Always hopes,
Always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13 vs 4-7

From THE OTHER SIDE AND BACK by Sylvia Browne


In psychiatric terms, dark entities in human form are the true sociopaths among us. They can mimic human emotions brilliantly without ever rally feeling them. They can seem incredibly charming (all the better to seduce you into their proximity); they can seemly deeply sensitive, compassionate and loving; they can seem genuinely sorry after they have wounded you, to keep you off balance about their true nature. They feign interest in anything that interests you- including God and spirituality – in order to create the illusion that you and they have something in common. It is all a performance and they drop the act when they’re convinced that their control over you is secure.

Sadly, we white entities, because our emotions and faith are genuine, have a tough time grasping the concept that is all performance. So rather than walking away from the dark entity once they have “removed their mask”, we stay with them, trying desperately to rescue that wonderful person we are sure is in there because we saw them with our own eyes. It is almost impossible to imagine that that wonderful person isn’t lost but instead never really existed in the first place, but in the case of a genuine dark entity, it is the cruel, bleak truth.

Second, dark entities don’t genuinely get to know or care about people around them. What they do care about is the reflection of themselves that they get back from people around them. As far as they are concerned, white entities are walking mirrors in which to admire themselves. Are long as their reflection through our eyes is flattering, we’re of value to them. But the minute we catch on that we’re only looking at a disguise and that whatever character and integrity they possess exists only because we “filled in the blanks” ourselves, they’ll react in one of two ways. Either they’ll distance themselves or they’ll repeat the performance that won our approval in the first place to try to win it again.

Third, dark entities live by their own arbitrary, self-serving rules, which can change without warning at their convenience and which don’t necessarily apply to anyone else around them. In their minds, their behaviour is always acceptable, but they may become outraged or deeply wounded if someone else aims that same behaviour at them. White entities invariably try to make sense of all this and adjust accordingly. That’s logical. It’s also useless. The rules and behaviour that please a dark entity on a Tuesday might throw them into a tantrum on a Wednesday. The result is that the white entity is kept constantly off balance and confused, which gives the dark entity that much more control and power.

The goal of the dark entity is not to turn a white entity dark. That can’t be done. Their goal is to destroy the white entity – not physically necessarily, but certainly emotionally. Let’s face it; the only way for darkness to survive is to extinguish the light, so that’s their purpose and their pleasure. They go around it by trying to create as much emotional turbulence, self-doubt, guilt and depression as possible in as many white entities as they can lure into their dark grip. They insult, they demean and they threaten to end a relationship if the white entity doesn’t “shape up” while insisting that no one else would even want a relationship with someone else as worthless as the white entity anyway. They promise to take away anything that is truly important to the white entity if they do leave. In other words, they will do anything that makes the white entity feel insecure and, as a result, eliminate any power the white entity might have.

The problem is that white entities have a conscience. We are sensitive and compassionate and we take our moral responsibilities seriously. We have a natural tendency to believe the best about the people we care for. Those are the very qualities that attract dark entities in the first place. They love the flattering reflection of themselves through our eyes and they know we’re likely to perceive their darkness as some kind of sadness or pain and try to help. You may have heard the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished”. I have a feeling that saying was coined by a white entity who tried to rescue some supposedly troubled, misunderstood dark entity. If you are trying to rescue a dark entity in your life with your love or friendship, please ask yourself this simple question: “Which do you feel you get more often as a reward for your efforts appreciation or punishment?”

Turning your back on another of God’s children is probably contrary to your upbringing and your humanitarian instincts. But I promise you, you have more valuable ways to spend your time and energy than trying to help or save a dark entity whom you are sure will be a wonderful person if they’ll only change (a goal white entities refer to often when talking about a dark entity in their lives) and let in the light you have to offer them. A dark entity can’t be turned white any more than a white entity can’t be turned dark. You can’t appeal to a conscience that doesn’t exist and make no mistake about it, dark entities have no conscience. Besides, how are you going to inspire genuine remorse in someone who doesn’t believe anything bad is their fault? I say this as both a spirit psychic and as a person who learned the hard way: “If there’s a dark entity anywhere in your life – a friend, a lover, a spouse or a family member – follow the advice of Christ: “Shake off the dust from your feet [and] leave.””

Source Sylvia Browne – The Other Side and Back

From FACTS by Anthony Borgia




The fantasy and the fact have no relation whatsoever to one another, but the Church has made one dependent and consequent upon the other.
From this there have arisen all the strange variety of religious sects and religious observations that are to be seen throughout the Earth.
It is against every law of Spirit that one person cam assume responsibility for another’s wrongdoing.
There are merits belonging to another person of which we can avail ourselves and by which we can evade our responsibilities.

But, it will be said, this great soul who perished so tragically, is different.
He is one apart.
He is Divine.
He is the Son of God come down to Earth to redeem us.

Therefore, by virtue of his Divinity, Jesus can wash away our sins if we have sufficient faith and do what the Church teaches.
We must be repentant, of course, but being repentant, we have one who will plead our cause, and by the merits of his sacrifice we shall be saved.

That is a very comforting and charitable thought and belief, but there is just one flaw.

It simply is not true.

Monsignor Benson
from “Facts” recorded by Anthony Borgia

06 January 2009



Three things in life that, once gone, never come back


Three things that one should always have


Three things in life that are most valuable


Three things in life that are never certain


Three things in life that make a good person


Three things in life that can destroy a person


Three things in life that can save a person


We pray that ‘God’ looks down on you today to guide you and protect you. ‘His’ love is always with you.

Why don’t you consider passing this along to those whom you would like ‘God’ to watch out for?