06 July 2009

Grey Eagle Answers

"GREY EAGLE – how best can we deal with life’s crises?"

“So many of you here on the earth plane walk through your lives in darkness. You turn to the light briefly, in times of need, then turn away.
“When you turn from the light, you turn away from God…and, inevitably, you turn inward, and you become closed…and you hold your pain to you…and, then, the seed of the soul cannot grow, for it needs light to grow.
“Turn your face to the light, for in that light you will find warmth…you will find healing…and you will find love.
“Accept that all things given are a gift to you, and part of your learning process.
“Take your courage in your hands, and step into the light.
“Turn your face to the sun, and allow God’s light to shine down upon you.
“For you are children of God, and, as children, if you reach out your hand, God will take it, and He will hold it firm, and He will steer you to a greater understanding of your own self…and He will give you His strength.
“He will not stem the flow of tears, nor will he wash away your pain…but he will take you to his breast and comfort you.
“Come, sit by my fire.
“Hold out your hands to the flame and be comforted by the warmth of it.
“But understand that there are many who keep this fire going.
“My fire needs kindling.
“My fire needs those who labour…who will go out and collect kindling to place on the fire.
“The fire is there for all, and there are many who will come and sit by the fire. They will warm themselves…they will feel comforted…and then they will turn away to continue their lives.
“There are those of you who will come and sit by my fire, and you will marvel at the height of the flames, and be grateful for the warmth that the fire gives out.
“And when you will be comforted, you will turn away and continue with your lives.
“And, then, there are those of you will come and sit by my fire and you will see how tall the flames grow…and you gain comfort from the warmth of the flames. And when you have been comforted enough, there are those of you who will then recognise that if the fire is to continue burning, in order that many should be comforted, then there is work to be done, and kindling to be found.
“Come, all of you, and sit by my fire.
“We demand nothing from you.
“We ask that you give nothing…except only if you want to do so.
“Come, sit by my fire, and listen to the wise words.
“Listen to the crackle of the sticks as the heat of the flame burns through them.
“Watch the sparks fly…each spark is a light…each spark is truth…each spark is a knowing.
“Come, sit by my fire, and I will warm you…”

The Eagle and the Rose by Rosemary Altea 1995

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